A pressure plate is a non-solid block that can be used to detect players, mobs, items, etc.
There are two versions of the pressure plate: the stone pressure plate (Grid Stone Pressure Plate.png) and the wooden pressure plate (Grid Wooden Pressure Plate.png). The only difference between the two are which entities they can detect.
A stone pressure plate can be mined using any pickaxe. If mined without a pickaxe, it will drop nothing. A wooden pressure plate can be mined using any tool, or without a tool, however axes are the fastest.Times are for unenchanted tools in seconds.
A pressure plate will also be removed and drop itself as an item:
if the block beneath it is moved, removed, or destroyed
if a piston tries to push it or moves a block into its spaceA pressure plate activates when an entity is on top of it (specifically, when the entity's collision mask intersects the bottom quarter-block of the pressure plate's space, which may include entities flying close to the ground) and deactivates 5 redstone ticks (0.5 seconds, barring lag) after no entities are on top of it, with a minimum activation time of 10 redstone ticks (1.0 seconds, barring lag).[Verify]
A stone pressure plate is activated only by mobs (including players), while a wooden pressure plate is activated by all entities (including players, mobs, items, arrows, experience orbs, fishing bobs, etc.) besides snnowballs.
A minecart traveling on rails will activate a pressure plate next to a diagonal track but not one next to a straight track (stone pressure plates are activated only if the minecart contains a mob or player).
While active, a pressure plate:
powers adjacent redstone dust, and adjacent redstone comparators or redstone repeaters facing away from the plate, to power level 15
strongly powers any full solid opaque block beneath it to power level 15
activates adjacent mechanism components, including above or below, such as pistons, redstone lamps, etc.
Water and lava will flow around a pressure plate without affecting it.
A pressure plae is not solid (it is not a barrier to entity movement). A block under a pressure plate can provide a solid barrier underneath it (for mobs to walk across, items to fall on, etc.), but when a pressure plate is placed on a block with a small collision mask, such as a fence or nether brick fence, it is possible for entities to move through the pressure plate while still activating it (walking through it horizontally, or falling through it vertically). Thus, a pressure plate on a fence can be used to detect entities without stopping them (more compactly than a tripwire circuit).
Pressure plates are 0.0625 blocks high (1⁄16 of a block) when inactive and 0.03125 blocks high (1⁄32 of a block) when active, but because they are not solid they do not affect the position of entities "on top" of them (for example, a player on top of a pressure plate is actually standing on the block beneath it).
wooden or stone slabs).
1.6 Wooden plates no longer require a pickaxe to be successfully extracted; before they used to. Both types of plates can also be recovered by destroying the block they are on.
Pressure plates may no longer be placed on leaf blocks. Pressure plates placed on leaf blocks prior to this update will drop when stepped on and may be recollected.
1.8 Pressure plates are placeable on fences, though they are not functional as pressure plates in
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